Monday, December 20, 2010

So it's one AM, JQ is on the couch across the room "working" on her application for France and I am bored but sitting up because we are gonna go to Paradise and see if we can't catch a glimpse of the lunar eclipse. I'm bored and tired so I came here.

I graduated recently. I found the ceremony as pointless as I thought it would be. I accomplished something great though (a long with 350 some other great achievers). Useless waist full of empty rhetoric. A bank CEO was our speaker. I don't care to draw a distinction between the "worldy" and "christian" because je m'en fou of that distinction. However, I sense in myself a discontent with his advice to be successful. To work hard to achieve my dreams. To make money. I should be able to say that I land more on the Christian side of that coin, but it seems like there is very little distinction... fuck it.

This is silly.

Monday, November 8, 2010


I hate technology. Computers specifically and also blogs which seem to be layed in such a way as to promote confusion. But hey, now I know how to post and find my blog without going through someone elses blog.

That's a start isnt it?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I've been out of Africa for almost 3 years now. How is that for keeping you updated?